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Text File  |  1990-07-06  |  11KB  |  188 lines

  1. Trax On Line.
  2.                                   Trax Toolbox
  3.                                    Volume 003
  5. ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| \\\ ///     Introduction.  This  file  brings together
  6.   |||   ||| ||| ||| |||  \\|//      several  interesting  phone  projects  that
  7.   |||   |||\\   |||||||   \|/       could be useful in one way or another.
  8.   |||   |||\\\  ||| |||   /|\
  9.   |||   ||| \\\ ||| |||  //|\\
  10.   |||   |||  \\\||| ||| /// \\\
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12.                            Telephone Tap (Automatic)
  13.                                   1. Parts List
  14. Resistors       Capacitors                   Semiconductors
  15. 1-150R          1-2N2 Greencap               5-1N 4148 Diodes
  16. 1-470R          1-4N7 Greencap               2-BC 547 Transistors
  17. 1-3K3           2-10N Greencap               1-BC 557 Transistor
  18. 3-4K7           2-22N Greencap               1-BC 338 Transistor
  19. 1-8K2           1-47U 16V Electrolytic
  20. 2-10K
  21. 1-47K
  22. 1-1M
  24. Misc Components
  25. 1-Spdt toggle switch
  26. 1-Dpdt slide switch
  27. 1-2.5mm plug  (For the Remote Socket)
  28. 1-3.5mm plug  (For the Mike Socket)
  29. 2-Alligator Clips  (To the Phone Line)
  30. 1-AA cell
  31. 2-Length of hookup wire 15cm  (One for each Alligator Clip)
  32. 2-length of "fig 8" cable 50 cm  (One for each Plug)
  33. 1-5cm length of tinned copper wire  (Solder to Battery to hold onto PCB)
  34.                                    2. Circuit
  36. *----------+--------22N---+---4K7---+---8K2---+---*
  37. PHONE LINE |             4N7       2N2      470R MIKE SOCKET
  38. *---+------|--------22N---+---------+---------+---*
  39.     |      |
  40.     |     1M                     +------+------+-------+-------+   +VE
  41.     |      |                    10K    10K    47U      |      ---  1.5 volts
  42.     |     /|\                    |      |      |       E       -       SWITCHES
  43.     |    k | a                   |      E--4K7------B 557      | SPDT
  44.     |   D  |  D                  E---B 547     |       C        \+---+   DPDT
  45.     | +-+ 10N +---+---+--4K7--B 547     C      |       |       |     |   --+--R
  46.     | | D  |  D   |   |          C      |      |     150R      +--+----+/  |  E
  47.     | |  k | a   10N 47K         |      |      |       |       C  k  |   | |  M
  48.     | |   \|/     |   |          +------+      |       +----B 338 D  |   +----O
  49.     | |    |      |   |                3K3     |               E  |  |   | |  T
  50.     | +----|------+---+-----------------+------+---------------+--+--+-+/  |  E
  51.     +------+                                                             --+
  52.                                     3. Set Up
  54.   _____                                                       Tape Recorder
  55.  (-----)                                                       ________
  56.  / (0) \  Phone         *---Terminal 2----|---------|         |________|
  57.  -------=============[[=                  |Phone Tap|         |_|_|_|_||
  58.                    Wall *---Terminal 6----|---------|         ||(0  0)||
  59.                    Plug                    ||     ||          ||______||
  60.                                            ||     ||          |        |
  61.                                            ||     ||2.5mm plug|        |
  62.                                            (======||=======(==|Remote  |
  63.                                                   (========(==|Mike    |
  64.                                                     3.5mm plug|________|
  66.                                     4. Notes
  67. D=Diodes 1N 4148 k=cathode a=anode (On circuit diagram)
  68. E=emitter C=collector B=base       (Transistors)
  69. The set up of the tap is to a tape recorder. When the phone is  being  used the
  70. tap switches on the tape recorder via the remote plug picking up the  sound via
  71. the mike socket. It is illegel to tap someone elses phone but not your own.
  72. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73.                                   Wireless Tap.
  74.                                   1. Parts List
  75. Resistors       Capacitors            Semiconductors
  76. 1-100R          1-10P Ceramic         1-BC 547 Transistor
  77. 1-390R          3-47P Ceramic         1-2N 3563 Transistor
  78. 1-1K            1-1N Ceramic
  79. 1-10K           2-22N Ceramic
  80. 1-47K           2-33N Ceramic
  81. 1-150K          1-100N Mono Block
  83. Misc Components
  84. 2-AAA cells
  85. 1-SPDT slide switch
  86. 2-Alligator clips
  87. 1-6 turns tinned copper wire .61mm
  88. 1-6 turns enamelled wire .5mm
  89. 2 metre hook-up wire for antenna
  90.                                    2. Circuit
  91.                                                                     SWITCH
  93.                            +-----+-------+---100R------+------+-----+- \---+
  94.                            |     |       |             |      |     |      |
  95.                            |     |    +--+--+          |   +--+--+  |      |
  96.                            |     |    |  6  )          |   |  6  )  |     ---3
  97.                           47K    |    |TURNS)+--+    120K  |TURNS)  |      - V
  98.                            |    22N   |.61mm)   |     or   |.51mm)  |     ---O
  99.                            |     |   47P    )   |    150K 47P    ) 22N     - L
  100.                            |     |    |.3mm )   |      |   |.3mm )  |      | T
  101. *---33N---10K---+---100N---+--+  |    | dia )   |      |   | dia )  |      | S
  102.                 |          |  |  |    +--+--+   +--47P-+   +--+--+  |      |
  103. PHONE LINE     1K         1N  +------+   |             |      |     |      |
  104.                 |          |     |   |   +---+         |      +ANTENNA 2 METRE
  105. *---33N---------+----------+-----+   |   |   |         |      C     |      |
  106.                                  |   |   C  10P        +B 2N 3563   |      |
  107.                                  |   +B 547  |                E     |      |
  108.                                  |       E   |  +-------------+-----+------+
  109.                                  |       +---+  |
  110.                                  |      390R    |
  111.                                  +-------+------+
  113.                                     3. Set up
  115.                                                        FM Radio      .
  116.                                                                \     |
  117.  _____  Phone                                                  ______|
  118. (-----)                                                       |)   | | Tuned
  119. / (0) \                *---Terminal 2---|------------|/\/\/\/\|------| to about
  120. -------=============[[=                 |Wireless Tap|/\/\/\/\| ____ | 100 Mhz.
  121.             Wall Plug  *---Terminal 6---|------------|/\/\/\/\|(____)|
  122.                                                        /      |______|
  123.                                                      Radio
  124.                                     4. Notes         Waves
  125. B=base E=emitter C=collector (Transistor)
  126. The pick up frequency is roughfuly about 100 MHz on your FM Radio. Cutting
  127. the length of the Antenna will reduce the transmit distance which can vary from
  128. 200-400 metres.It is illegal to have a bug shorter than 30cm, so don't cut the
  129. antenna any shorter than that and illegal to tap anyone else's apart from your
  130. own phone.
  131. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132.                             Two Line Phone Set Ups.
  133.  _____
  134. (-----)                    3 Way Phone. Connect Terminal 2 together on both
  135. / (0) \                    phones and Terminal 6 on both phones.  A  3  way
  136. -------===============)    switch on Terminal 6 can help isolate phones.
  137.  _____               ||    || EG. Phone 1----=----Terminal 2
  138. (-----)              ||    ||  Terminal 6----=----Phone 2
  139. / (0) \              (=====*|==*=========*=================]]======= Phone 1
  140. -------=====================*==|*========|*================]]======= Phone 2
  141.                                ||        ||
  142.                                ||        ||
  143. Network  Emulator.   Requires   a        ||
  144. computer with 2 RS232 ports and 2        Divert Calls. Requires  at  least  one
  145. modems. Phone 1 is  rang  letting        tone line  ,Telephone  Tap  and  Cheap
  146. user access a mailbox type system        Phone. Connect the Phone leads on  the
  147. while on the  system   a  Network        Tap  to  Phone  1.  Connect  the  Mike
  148. link to say Austpac will be shown        PLug to the Voice Mike  on  the  Cheap
  149. on the User  Menu.  Picking  this        Phone. Connect the   Remote   Plug  of
  150. option the user is dialed out  to        the Tap to the Hang-Up switch  on  the
  151. Austpac via Phone 2. (How good an        Cheap Phone. (There are 3  wires  here
  152. Emulator can you get  expect  the        so you may need to experiment so  that
  153. real thing!)  All  this  data  is        the second Phone  hangs  up  when  the
  154. buffered to harddrive. Picking up        first one  does.)  Connect  the  Cheap
  155. NUI, NUA's, system user name  and        Phone Plug to  Phone  2.  The  results
  156. password.                                being that when Phone 1 is rang  Phone
  157. EG.                                      2 will un-hang allowing  you  if  this
  158.   _______                                line is tone to dial out.
  159.  |-------|                               EG._____
  160.  |Remote |                                 (-----) Remote Phone.
  161.  |User   |                                 / (0) \              _____
  162.  |-------|                                 -------===========) (-----) Phone 1.
  163.   -------                Exch.                              || / (0) \
  164.  /_______\==|Modem|===[[=////=]]         _____              (==-------======)
  165.                               ||        |Cheap|                 Phone Leads||
  166.                               ||        |Phone|          Mike Plug        \||
  167.       _______                 ||        | 123 |Voice   ______|_____|TAP|====)
  168.      |-------|                ||        | 456 |Mike   /              |
  169.      |Network|       Phone 1  ||        | 789 |______/   Remote      |
  170.      |System |              \ ||        | *0# |              Plug -- |
  171.      |-------|  /==|Modem|=====)        |_____|______________________|
  172.       -------  //                        ||   Hang-Up Switch
  173. (====/_______\=/                         ||
  174. ||       ^                               (=====)  _____
  175. ||   Network and Mail Box Type           As   || (-----) Phone 2.
  176. ||   Operation System.                   Ext. || / (0) \         Dial Out -->
  177. (===|Modem|====[[= Dial Out to                (==-------=========[[=
  178.  Phone 2____^      Austpac etc.
  179. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180.                                    End Zone.
  181. Well thats all. The Phone is a really powerful tool if you know how to  use  it
  182. properaly. I decided that there was a  need  for  a  hardware  type  file  with
  183. pictures because it's alot more helpful in getting my ideas  across.  Hopefully
  184. the ideas i've presented have given you more of your own. Also pictures are the
  185. only concept that fag Zero Hour can understand.
  186. Trax Off Line.
  187. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. á û